Matthew: 7: 7, 8 "Ask And It Will Be Given To You; Seek And You Will Find; Knock And The Door Will Be Opened To You. For Everyone Who Asks Receives; He Who Seeks Finds; And To Him Who Knocks, The Door Will Be Opened. Ask ā You will be given; Search - you will find; knock ā it will be opened. With this verse, we are taught that whatever we ask in prayer will be given to us. Naturally, if we need something from another person we should open our mouth and ask them. Similarly, a lost object can only be found by searching for it. A closed door can only be opened by knocking it. The teachings of Jesus Christ are the practices given to the disciples to follow. It has been beautifully written by the people driven by Christ and given to us as commandments and scripture for the believers to follow. What the believers are taught today? We have been taught that if we raise our voices, pray for a long time, and stubbornly ascend our petition to the Lord He will answer. It is not c...