Ask, Seek, Knock


Matthew: 7: 7, 8

"Ask And It Will Be Given To You; Seek And You Will Find; Knock And The Door Will Be Opened To You.

For Everyone Who Asks Receives; He Who Seeks Finds; And To Him Who Knocks, The Door Will Be Opened.

Ask – You will be given; Search - you will find; knock – it will be opened. With this verse, we are taught that whatever we ask in prayer will be given to us.  Naturally, if we need something from another person we should open our mouth and ask them. Similarly, a lost object can only be found by searching for it. A closed door can only be opened by knocking it.

The teachings of Jesus Christ are the practices given to the disciples to follow. It has been beautifully written by the people driven by Christ and given to us as commandments and scripture for the believers to follow.

What the believers are taught today? We have been taught that if we raise our voices, pray for a long time, and stubbornly ascend our petition to the Lord He will answer. It is not certain that all the prayers we make like this will get the answer we expect.  It is also not right for us to force the Lord to give us everything we ask for.

We must pray with the common faith and with a pure heart. If we have wicked thoughts in our hearts, though we strive hard for a long time, the Lord will not hear our prayer (Psalm 66:18 - If I Had Cherished Sin In My Heart, The Lord Would Not Have Listened).

And our prayers should not be selfish. We must learn to pray according to the will of God. Our prayers should be ascended to God with full faith. Then the Lord will surely answer our prayers.

And “The Lord’s Prayer” is seen as a model of how to pray - Matthew: 6: 9-13. So the Lord will answer our prayers when we do His will and seek His kingdom and righteousness. Allow Christ to work in your life. Let us depend on the Lord and not on our own self. The Lord will stand and act beyond our expectations in a supernatural way. 

If we do what we want in our lives and try to achieve the set goals without the Lord's help, our hopes and dreams are likely to be shattered. Whatever you do or ask, submit to the will of the Lord. We will receive what is good for us from the hand of the Lord.

Finally, ask Jesus Christ to be your Saviour. Seek His righteousness and justice. Knock on, so that the door that the Lord has for us will be opened.

1 John 3:22

And Receive From Him Anything We Ask, Because We Obey His Commands And Do What Pleases Him.

John 15: 7

If You Remain In Me And My Words Remain In You, Ask Whatever You Wish, And It Will Be Given You.


Dear Lord, Thank you for teaching us to submit our petitions to your will and to ascend to you with a pure heart and mind. Help us to live and pray according to your will. Help us to act every moment for the glory of your holy name. You know our needs before we ask. Help us to grow your knowledge and your grace and to walk with the help of the Holy Spirit on the path you show. In the name of Jesus I ask this prayer, Amen.


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