Proverbs :1: 15 - Avoid the path of the wicked


Avoid the Path of the Wicked

Proverbs 1:15 (KJV) says:
"My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path."

This verse is a warning against following the ways of the wicked. It emphasizes:

1.     Avoiding Bad Influence – God calls His children to stay away from ungodly company that leads to sin. Avoiding bad influences is about guarding our hearts and minds from sinful ways. Instead, we should surround ourselves with people who encourage us to grow in faith and righteousness.

2.     Walking in Righteousness  Walking in righteousness is about making daily choices that align with God’s will. The world may offer temptations, but choosing God’s path leads to eternal life, peace, and blessings.  The path we choose determines our destiny. We should follow God’s ways rather than worldly temptations.

3.     Wisdom and Discernment –Wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge righteously, and discernment is the ability to distinguish between good and evil. True wisdom comes from fearing the Lord, which means having deep respect, reverence, and obedience to God, and avoiding the deceitful ways of sinners. 

4.     Separation for Holiness – Believers are called to be set apart and not conform to the patterns of the world (Romans 12:2). It means they are called to live a life of holiness.  They must be set apart from sin and dedicated to God. This doesn’t mean isolation from the world, but rather a life that reflects God’s standards instead of worldly influences.

This verse encourages us to seek God’s wisdom and choose the path of righteousness over the temporary pleasures of sin. This means that you should avoid following bad influences or making wrong choices. If you know that a group or a person is heading down the wrong path, it's wise not to join them. Stay away from negative actions and surround yourself with good influences.

Proverbs:1:14                                                                                              Proverbs:1: 16


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