Dwell on God's Word


When we meditate we think about God’s Word. We dwell on it and then as opportunities arise, we preach it to ourselves. We inject it into our thoughts as we make decisions, as we admonish and instruct our souls to choose right things and walk down right paths.

This is the essence of meditation. It is evoking the truth, embracing it and embedding it in our lives. It is intentionally focusing on recalling God’s truth that it might resound in our hearts and become that grid through which we sift and measure our thoughts and actions.

Meditation is a crucial Christian discipline and a vital means of grace that we must treasure and practice. But it is a discipline that takes time and effort. Accessibility can never beat intentionality. Don't assume that having God's Word close at hand means you have it close at heart. Carve out time in your day to remember, time to ponder, time to preach to yourself. The world around us can too easily choke out what is needful and good for our souls. Don’t allow God’s truth to slip away from you. Be intentional and diligent and your meditation.

 🌈 Study without prayer is atheism 
 Prayer without study is presumption* - A. W Tozer.

 ⛹️‍♂️ Application : Application can be done by writing answers to five questions, the first letters of which form the acronym "SPECS": Does the passage speak of any Sin to be forsaken, Promise to be claimed, Example to be followed, Command to be obeyed, or Stumbling block or hindrance to be avoided?
 ⛹️‍♂️ Application : Recognize that application can be in the form of improved attitudes as well as in improved actions. Attitudinal responses may take longer to develop.
 ⛹️‍♂️ Application : Make your applications personal. Use the words I, me, my, mine, not we, us, our. Application statements that remain in the "we" category are too general.
 ⛹️‍♂️ Application : As Johann Bengel wrote in 1742, " Apply yourself wholly to the text and apply the text wholly to yourself." 
 📖 The Bible has one theme —Redemption. 
 The Bible has one Hero —the Lord Jesus. 
 The Bible has one villain —the Devil. 
 The Bible has one purpose —the Glory of God. 
The Bible is a library of sixty-six books . All of its parts fit together. Can you imagine taking forty different people over a period of 1,600 years in about 13 different countries, on three different continents and occupations, telling them each to write independently of one another without having read what the others had written? They came from all backgrounds: shepherds, kings, soldiers, princes, fishermen, scholars, historians, professional men, common laborers. Put that all together and see what kind of hodgepodge you would have! Yet we have this wonderful unity in the Word of God. The Bible is written in different styles and in at least three different languages.


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