
Showing posts from April, 2022

Genesis 9 - bible study

 God's Covenant with Noah - God blessed Noah and his sons to be fruitful  and increase in number and fill the earth. Then God established a covenant with him. "Never again will all life be cut off by waters of a flood. Never again will there be flood to destroy the earth. This is the first covenant. The sign of the covenant was a rainbow in the clouds. God will always remember His everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures. 🏕️ The Son's of Noah - God blessed Noah's sons and from them came people who were scatteted over the earth. Noah planted a vineyard. Once he lay drunk and uncovered in his tent. Ham saw his father's condition. Shem and Japheth took a garment and walked in backward and covered their father. So Noah cursed Ham and blessed Shem and Japheth. Noah was 950 years old when he died.

Genesis 8 - bible study

 God remembered Noah and his family and the living things in the ark. God sent a wind and the waters receded. The rains stopped. After 150 days the water had gone down. The ark came to rest on the Mountains of Ararat. The waters continued to recede until the tenth month. There was a window in the ark.  🕊️ After 40 days Noah opened the window and sent out a raven. It kept flying back and forth. Then he sent out a dove. The dove returned as there was water on the surface of the earth. After seven days he sent the dove out. It returned with a fresh olive leaf in its beak. He sent out the dove after seven days and it didnot return. When the earth's surface was dry God asked Noah and his family and all the  living creatures to come out of the ark. Then Noah built an altar and sacrificed clean animals and birds on it. Then God said He would never again curse and destroy the earth as He had done.

Genesis 7 - bible study

  God asked Noah to get into the ark because they were righteous. God would sent rain for forty days and forty nights. He would wipe out all the living creatures on this earth. Noah was 600 years old when the flood waters came on the earth.  The Lord shut them in the ark. The waters rose and increased greatly and the ark floated on the water. The waters rose high and all the mountains were covered. All living things on the earth perished. Only Noah and his family were saved. The waters flooded the earth for 150 days.

Genesis 6 - bible study

 The Flood - The sons of God married daughters of men. Sons of God possibly refers to "godly men" and daughters of men refers to sinful women probably from the wicked line of Cain. The Nephilim who were on the earth were people of great size and strength, but in God's eyes they were sinners. Man's wickedness on earth was very great and the Lord grieved that He had made man on the earth. So God decided to destroy all the living things on the earth. But Noah found favour in tbe eyes of God. He was righteous, blameless and he walked with God. The earth had become very corrupt and the Lord was going to destroy it. ⛴️ The Ark - God instructed Noah to make an ark of cyprus wood. The length had to be 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. A door was in the side of it. There were lower, middle and upper decks. God was going to bring flood waters on the earth to destroy all life on the earth. God established a covenant with Noah. He and his family of eight members would

Genesis 5 - bible study

  From Adam to Noah - Adam had three sons: Cain, Abel and Seth. Enosh, Mahalalel and Jared were his descendants. Jared had a son Enoch and his son was Methuselah. Methusaleh was the father of Lamech. The son of Lamech was Noah. Noah was 500 years old and he became the father of Shem, Ham and Japheth.

Genesis 2 - bible study

  Adam 🙎🏻‍♂️ Adam was the first man to be created. He was the first man to talk and walk with God. He was also the first man to hide from God. It is interesting to note that Adam had no parents, relatives or siblings. He had no childhood days to cherish. He had to remain alone for a period of time. Of course, God was with Him. Adam had to learn everything by himself. He learnt what to eat and what not to eat. Everything was trial and error for him.  Before the fall, Adam had struggles but there were no unpleasantness. After the fall, he struggled for each and everything. Sin brings forth struggles. Adam was created with creativeness and intelligence. God brought to him animals and birds to see what he would name them (Gen 2:19). Later, after the fall, Adam was alone when he named his wife (Gen 3:20). Adam messed up his life. His messing up landed us in a mess. Was he a disappointment to God?

Spirit of God - In the beginning & end of bible

 The Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Genesis 1:2   And the Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!"  Revelation 22:17  The Holy Spirit is a divine Person and is engaged in all the activities and purposes of the Godhead equally with the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit has also taken a place of intimate association with all those who have been redeemed by the blood of Christ. These two features of the Holy Spirit can be seen on the first page and on the last page of the Bible. On the first page of the Bible we see the Spirit hovering over the waters. The word "hovering" is actually the same word used to describe a mother eagle when she is hovering over her young as they learn to fly (Deuteronomy 32:11). The Holy Spirit is seen moving in vital creative power over the face of the world. The work of creation was declared "good." But man, who was created in the image of God, and was the pinnacle o

Genesis 3 - Bible study

  SIN “So, when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. “(Gen 3:6) The Bible has recorded the sad tale of 'paradise lost' in Genesis 3, when the cunning serpent deceived Eve. She allowed Satan to influence her mind and emotions and twist the truth of God. She believed the word of serpent more than the Word of God, disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit. Also, she made her husband to eat the fruit, which caused sin to enter the world and be the root cause for all subsequent generations to be cursed. Everything God created was very good. However, God tested Adam by telling him, "You are free to eat from ANY tree of the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat from it, you will certainly die." Adam was created with a 'mind' to think and a &

Genesis 1 - bible study

 The first chapter of Genesis is one of the most God-centered chapters in the Bible.   ⛹️‍♂️ Application : The first chapter of Genesis is one of the most God-centered chapters in the Bible. God is mentioned by name thirty-two times in thirty-one verses. Add to that the use of personal pronouns, and He is mentioned no less than forty-three times. Thus, on the very first page of Scripture the Holy Spirit brings us into the presence of God and keeps us there. Gen.1-11 set forth a singular message about the character and works of God. Most of the central teachings of Christianity have their roots in the Book of Genesis.  No wonder Satan hates that chapter! No wonder he has brought up his heavy artillery to discredit it in the minds of men.    📖In Genesis the heaven and earth were created—in Revelation we see a new heaven and a new earth.  In Genesis we see the sun and moon appear —in Revelation we read that there is no need of the sun or moon, for Christ is the light of the new heaven. I

Dwell on God's Word

  DWELL ON GOD’S WORD  When we meditate we think about God’s Word. We dwell on it and then as opportunities arise, we preach it to ourselves. We inject it into our thoughts as we make decisions, as we admonish and instruct our souls to choose right things and walk down right paths. This is the essence of meditation. It is evoking the truth, embracing it and embedding it in our lives. It is intentionally focusing on recalling God’s truth that it might resound in our hearts and become that grid through which we sift and measure our thoughts and actions. Meditation is a crucial Christian discipline and a vital means of grace that we must treasure and practice. But it is a discipline that takes time and effort. Accessibility can never beat intentionality. Don't assume that having God's Word close at hand means you have it close at heart. Carve out time in your day to remember, time to ponder, time to preach to yourself. The world around us can too easily choke out what is needful a

Preparing for bible study -2

 To enjoy reading the Bible please follow the following steps! Pray – The Bible is not like any other book. You need God’s Spirit to help you understand and process it. You should always pray before and as you read it. Ask God to help you understand what you’re reading—even to help you enjoy it. Good news here! This appears, in my experience, to be one of God’s favorite prayers to answer. Version – Pick a version easy for you to understand. I would suggest you read a more literal translation primarily, but the paraphrase versions are good for casual reading. I suggest NIV, or NLT for a more literal but very readable version; ESV or NKJV if you want a most literal translation; or for a paraphrase version, that’s extremely readable, try The Message Version. Sharing – It brings Scripture to life when we can share it with others. Find a small group.  Share your insights in the groups so that you may get enriched and others may be edified! Studying the Scripture with a community helps ener

Preparation before bible study - 1

🎴 Determine - Unless and until you determine to read that days Bible portion, you will not be able to read. So first determine or prepare yourself to read each days portion by all means. 📖 Bible - The next important necessary thing is a Bible. You must have your own Bible. You can use a hardcopy of the Bible. There is nothing wrong in reading your Bible from IPad or laptop or mobile.  🖍️ Accessories - Accessories make our reading interesting. You must have a notebook to write down thoughts that God gives you. You need pencil and pen for it. Color pencils and sketches will make your reading colorful and cheerful.  ⏰ Choose a Time and Place - Choose a particular time to read the Bible. If possible let it be early in the morning. Next select the place to sit and read the Bible. You need to do these little things to achieve your goal of reading the Bible in 330 days.  🛐 Pray - Pray before reading the Bible. Because God has to enlighten us to understand His word. And pray after reading
 THREE STEPS OF STUDYING THE BIBLE Step 1 of Bible Study:  ◼️Observation Observation is the first and most important step in how to study the Bible. As you read the Bible text, you need to look carefully at what is said, and how it is said. Look for: ▪️Terms, not words. Words can have many meanings, but terms are words used in a specific way in a specific context. (For instance, the word trunk could apply to a tree, a car, or a storage box. However, when you read, “That tree has a very large trunk,” you know exactly what the word means, which makes it a term.) ▪️Structure. If you look at your Bible, you will see that the text has units called paragraphs (indented or marked ¶). A paragraph is a complete unit of thought. You can discover the content of the author’s message by noting and understanding each paragraph unit. ▪️ Emphasis. The amount of space or the number of chapters or verses devoted to a specific topic will reveal the importance of that topic (for example, note the emphasis


 The Bible  The one constant theme unfolding throughout the whole Bible is this : God for His own glory has chosen to create and gather to Himself a group of people to be the subjects of His eternal kingdom , to praise , honor , and serve Him forever and through whom He will display His wisdom , power, mercy, grace, and glory.  To gather His chosen ones , God must redeem them from sin.  The Bible reveals God's plan for this redemption from its inception in eternity past to its completion in eternity future.   Covenants , promises and epochs are all secondary to the one continuous plan of redemption.  There is one God.  The Bible has one Creator.  It is one book.  It has one plan of grace, recorded from initiation, through execution , to consummation .   From predestination to glorification , the Bible is the story of God redeeming his chosen people for the praise of his glory.  As  God's redemptive purposes and plan unfold in Scripture, five recurring motifs are constantly  emp