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  To give prudence to the simple, To the young man knowledge and discretion-      Simple - refers to the person who have less knowledge. Proverbs gives wisdom to those people also. It gives wisdom even to those who do not know how to speak in a particular situation.   Young people also get knowledge and wisdom when reading proverbs. On a confused situation, wisdom helps a person to think correctly and act upon it.  It is considered to be prudent.  It helps us to think wisely and make responsible and intelligent decisions.


  For Acquiring A Disciplined And Prudent Life, Doing What Is Right And Just And Fair; Proverbs tells us to live a prudent and disciplined life.  Also we should do the right, just and fair things in our everyday life. To be successful in life one should have wisdom and we should do justice. We should live according to God's will.  Always we should do the right.  It means being honest in everything, in every way.  While taking decisions,  be just and righteous.  We should know what is right and wrong.  Be patient in dealing with others and live in a fair and happy way.  We should treat others equally.  We should not show any partiality. Proverbs:1:2                                                                       Proverbs:1:4


  For Attaining Wisdom And Discipline; For Understanding Words Of Insight; One can attain wisdom and be disciplined through proverbs. You can also realize the ins and outs of anything. Wisdom refers to the clarity one has in his life. Proverbs also emphasizes morality. Wisdom refers not only to knowledge, but also to the clarity of living a life with the fear of God and also a life which pleases God. Wisdom helps one to discern what is good and what is bad. Solomon, who excelled in wisdom, failed to use it. Although his son Rehoboam received all the counsel, he failed to use it wisely. He rejected the teachings of his father. Proverbs:1:1

Proverbs : 1 : 1

Proverbs chapter 1 gives a clear explanation of the purpose of this book. The author of this book, Solomon's lineage and to whom he is writing are clearly stated. This is a book full of warnings against sin. It is written with the intention that her son should act wisely and prudently.   The Proverbs Of Solomon Son Of David, King Of Israel: This verse tells us who wrote Proverbs. Proverbs was written by Solomon, the second son of David and Bathsheba, kings of Israel. Both David and Solomon ruled Israel separately for 40 years. When Solomon became king of Israel, he sought wisdom and knowledge from the Lord. It brought him wealth, respect, and fame. Solomon, who excelled in wisdom, failed to use it in his life. Although his son Rehoboam received all the counsel, he failed to use it wisely. He rejected the teachings of his father. Proverbs - Introduction

Proverbs - Bible study

PROVERBS - INRODUCTION      Proverbs means simple or concrete traditional saying that expresses a perceived truth based on common sense and experience.   The Book of Proverbs is a poetry book in scripture.   Solomon is the writer of the book.   Proverbs can also be said as an anthology or a collection of poems.   From the scripture we can see that chapters 30 and 31 are not written by Solomon.   It is a book of wisdom. I kings :4:30 says that Solomon's wisdom was greater than the wisdom of all the people of the East, and greater than all the wisdom of Egypt.     He spoke three thousand proverbs and his songs numbered a thousand and five(I kings : 4 : 32).   People from all nations came to hear the wisdom of Solomon (I Kings : 4 : 34).   Ecclesiastes: 12: 9 also says the teacher, who is Solomon pondered and searched and set in order many proverbs.   The purpose of proverb is given in this verse – To impart knowledge to the people.   Solomon sought wisdom and knowledge from God.   II